What’s For Dinner? How Meal Planning Adds Ease to Your Day with Elyse Rooney
Do you start getting that sinking feeling in your stomach around 4:00. I call it the ‘what’s for dinner’ dread. Or if your kids are a little older pretty much around 10 am they start bugging you and asking what’s for dinner? If you don’t have the answer you know that this can take up so much of your mind space and energy.
Well today I’m talking to Elyse Rooney who shares how meal planning and going to the grocery store with a plan has saved time; transformed her evening mood and resulted in more creativity in the kitchen.
Transcript of the Episode
Andrea Heyman 00:00 Hi friends, it's Andrea Heyman here with another episode of Adventures In Feeding My Fam. Do you start getting that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach around four o'clock in the afternoon? I call this the what's for dinner dread. Or if your kids are a little older, pretty much starting around 10 in the morning, every day, they start bugging you and asking you what's for dinner? You think it was the most important question of the entire day? So if you don't have the answer, you know that this can take up so much of your mind, space and energy all throughout the day Really? Well, today, I'm talking to Elise Rooney. And she shares how meal planning and going to the grocery store with a plan has saved time, transformed her evening mood, and resulted in more creativity in the kitchen. Oh, boy, we can all appreciate that. And all want that in our house. But if you're feeling like at least with that, overwhelmed, frustrated, tired of the same old meals feeling, please No, it doesn't have to be like that. Wouldn't you like to feel inspired more creative, and try healthy meals, you definitely can. But if you're not sure where to start, then please sign up for one of my free discovery calls. And we will have so much fun trying to determine some easy ways that we can map out really what you want from food that you eat, whether it's you're trying to lose weight, get more energy, or just plain old get organized. Your routines can help build routines for your kids and your entire family. Which so it sounds like a win win win for everyone. And it can also obviously free up a lot of that mind space that we're going to talk about in this episode with the lease. And that's so common when you don't have a plan and you don't know how to achieve your health goals. So I'll link in the show notes. But you can find it at adventuresinfeedingmyfam.com I'll see you there. And I hope you enjoyed this episode
Adventures In Feeding My Fam is a weekly podcast discussing the challenges and fun around feeding your family healthy meals. I'm Andrea Heyman and I've been a registered dietician for over 25 years. So I know the importance of good nutrition. But I'm also a mom of three so I understand the challenges in tumor that comes along with trying to make this happen. In this podcast, I'll share my tips, tricks and menus, but also share the stories and food prep failures that come along the way to interview guests. We'll discuss family food traditions, how to strengthen bonds around the family table, as well as their favorite family recipes. There isn't one right way to feed your family. But there are countless stories you can take bits and pieces and learn from all of them. Today I'm really excited to have Elise Rooney on the show, at least lives in Newcastle, Australia with her husband and two soon to be three children. She's passionate about empowering women to simplify their life and home so they can walk in faith and be present for their family. Elise started the wholesome mama brand as a platform and community for overwhelmed and exhausted mothers to find joy and encouragement and start to thrive and enjoy their life.
Welcome Elyse I'm so happy to have you.
Elyse Rooney 03:49 Thank you
Andrea Heyman 03:51 I love you the name of your brand, Mama because you're Australian and I would never say the word Mama.
Elyse Rooney 04:01 Yes, it is funny being mama MMU MMA and all my friends and people in the states going what mama?
Andrea Heyman 04:10 So I always like to start out these conversations by asking folks to tell me about their house when they were growing up as it relates to food. Who did the meal prep in your house? Did you have family meals, that type of thing?
Yes. So growing up, it was a lot I guess my mom who my dad worked big days on he often didn't get home until dinnertime, but so she always did the groceries and the making the meals but we definitely had family dinners. And I think that that's something that I really treasured and wanted to make sure that my family now experienced as well. So growing up but even when my sister and I got older and moved out of home, we would Come back, have a Monday night and have family dinner night. So family table connection was a very big thing in our house, and your dad would make it for dinners when you were a child, even though Yeah, yeah. Yep, that he would come home come home at data tau. So dad gets home dinners on the table, let's say.
And how did Monday's become the special night of the week for you guys?
Elyse Rooney 05:22 Hmm, I think it was just was the night that no one had anything ever. On. So because every other night was sort of Friday night, people went out or they were sort of things on so Monday night just seemed to be the night where we could all go. Okay, we can set this time aside and really make it a priority.
Andrea Heyman 05:41 And did you have specific meals that you particularly enjoyed that your mom made?
Elyse Rooney 05:47 Ah, potato bake? I don't know what if you call it that over let's potato bake. Basically sliced potatoes with cream and bacon and cheese. So have it on the side of lack of roast chicken or roast meat of some kind normally, but yes, as cobs, and it's quail, and it's bacon and cheese. It's everything all in one.But apart from that, um, yeah, I wouldn't necessarily say that there's like a male that stood out sort of more of that the connection and the memories of what happened around having males than a particular male.
Andrea Heyman 06:28 So was there a certain I guess, format? Or like, Did you guys have routines around the table? or certain conversation starters? Or were you guys just particularly chatty,
Elyse Rooney 06:39 so we always, always went around, and they even still do it today? If we are at their house for dinner, and everyone has to say one good thing about their day. And I think now looking back, it really was hard because you sort of they just say How was your day and go good. And then that was the end, but by them really drawing out? Whoa, okay, what was one good thing and you sort of know that dinner's coming? I have to think of one good thing that's happened today. So it was really cultivating that culture of gratitude in our family, which I think is beautiful.
Andrea Heyman 07:16 I agree. When you were describing it. I was thinking you you were taught a gratitude practice.
Elyse Rooney 07:22 Yeah, without even knowing it.
Andrea Heyman 07:24 Right before the term gratitude practice even existed. You guys were ahead of the curve.
Elyse Rooney 07:29 Yeah, go mom and dad.
Andrea Heyman 07:31 Yeah. It's uh, how do you describe what you do as far as meals as far as meals go in your household now with your family.
Elyse Rooney 07:39 So I've just really gone on a bit of a aha moment for me, because I'm not someone who has enjoyed cooking in the past, my thing has been, particularly with kids cook because we have to eat not because I enjoy it. And so it was a really big hassle for me to get to four o'clock and guy on now I've got to find something to have. Dina, what have we got in the pantry? And I want to eat? Well, we've got, what am I going to throw together pretty much looking at the things I've got in the fridge in the pantry and going? Well, let's just chuck it together and see how it goes. But I realized that it was actually to do with my mindset, I'm going on a bit of a tangent, but I do have a point because I wasn't preparing when I go to the grocery store. So I wasn't thinking I was just going to the store and buying whatever I saw and felt like in that moment. And so I wasn't I didn't have a plan. So I now I have a lightbulb moment when I really if I have a plan, then when I go to the grocery store, I know what meals we're going to have for the week. I can then buy the ingredients for those meals and then at four o'clock when I go What am I gonna have for dinner? What do I have to cook now I'm not feeling flustered and overwhelmed. And I can look at the list and that doesn't have to be in that order that I've written it but I know Okay, there's ingredients to make tacos, let's make tacos and I think through that has inspired me to be more creative and adventurous with the meals that I'm making not just boring. Here's some chicken and veggies.
Andrea Heyman 09:20 I love that you know when you describe it, it it's something that for those who don't meal plan, it really can be so easy. And it seems like it's really affected your life in a lot of ways how what's the best way that it's affected your life,
Elyse Rooney 09:37 I think that I'm not then getting to it's just a really my mood because I'm not thinking getting to four o'clock and feeling the dread of having to cook dinner, which then because my kids are young dinner leads into bath time which leads into bedtime and so it's this big, long routine and if I'm at four clock like that's four hours before they're in bed asleep. That's a long time for me to be miserable about and really learning that it stemmed back from not being organized when I go grocery shopping kind of yet made a big difference.
Andrea Heyman 10:14 That's a great lesson.
Elyse Rooney 10:16 Yeah, now that I know it, yeah.
Andrea Heyman 10:18 So now that you said that, you're more creative, what have you made recently? That is new to you.
Elyse Rooney 10:25 So we've been starting to cook a lot more plant based, less meats and things which I know I saw that you've started doing as well. And so I made doll the other night, which looked terrible. But it was really, really yummy. And I think that six months ago, that would not have been something that I would have tried. And were you surprised that your kids ate it? Yeah. Yeah. They did think it was chicken. So we just went to show. What chicken mom? Oh, it's lentils. Good. Chicken
Andrea Heyman 10:58 plants. Adorable. I love it.
Elyse Rooney 11:00 Yeah. to them. Everything's everything is chicken. All right. So yeah, sure. They are though two and one. So you're trying to explain. It's actually lentils, I get chicken.
Andrea Heyman 11:13 So why have you decided to prepare more plant based meals
Elyse Rooney 11:17 for health reasons. For me, I have a lot of inflammatory issues. And so yeah, just as we just did it as a trial that my naturopath recommended just to see how that will go. And my body has actually really responded very well to it. So we're not completely meat free or completely vegan or vegetarian. But I think it's just yeah, experimenting and getting the kids to experiment and taste new foods to
Andrea Heyman 11:49 That's incredible. That's great that you've been successful and had a health you've noticed health benefits from that. Yeah. So do you have meals that you prepare when you're pinched for time, like go to meals,
Elyse Rooney 12:01 so today, I have a slow cooker meal on? You call it a crock pot?
Andrea Heyman 12:07 Or a slow cooker recycle? Yep. Cool.
Elyse Rooney 12:11 So I have one of those because I know that tonight by the time we get home, I'm not going to have much time so I know that it'll be in the pot ready to go. But apart from that stir fries. Probably my fine really pinched for time stir fry where I can just chuck a heap of veggies and some maydel some rice on and yeah, that's probably my goat.
Andrea Heyman 12:33 That sounds great. Absolutely. So Name three things that you have in your refrigerator right now.
Elyse Rooney 12:39 Oh, milk, watermelon, and what something else bliss balls.
Andrea Heyman 12:46 So describe a blissful I think I know what it is, but
Elyse Rooney 12:49 it's like a kind of like a protein bowl but without the protein powder. So like, dates and and mail and coconut and a bit of cacao smushed in a bowl and eat it and think it's chocolate. You do.
Andrea Heyman 13:04 Right? Wait, and what did you say before that? You said milk and something else? Watermelon is watermelon and season now for you?
Elyse Rooney 13:12 Yeah, yeah, cuz we're coming into summer.
Andrea Heyman 13:14 Yeah. Yeah, that's fantastic. Okay,
Elyse Rooney 13:17 the kids love it. Yesterday, they ate a quarter of a watermelon and two pounds of blueberries.
Andrea Heyman 13:24 I believe it I remember. Yeah, my kids still do. I think my 16 year old if there is a bowl of washed grapes on the counter, he literally will sit there and lean over the serving bowl as if it is his own portion. And, and eat them all up until they're gone.
Elyse Rooney 13:43 Ah, that yeah, that that was for everybody. But cool.
Andrea Heyman 13:48 Right. Awesome. So are you starting to do the kind of the tradition around your table? Where you talk about kind of the highlights of the day with your kids? Are they still too young?
Elyse Rooney 14:02 Ah, we we do it. They are really too young to either remember their date, they'll either say something like that happened two weeks ago or something totally random. That has nothing to do. But we have started that just to really bring about that tradition because my husband's family did something similar with him when they were growing up. So we both see it as a very important value that we want to bring. So even when the kids you know, you say what's something good that happened today. I went to the beach. We went to the beach last week. It cool and not dismissing we never dismiss what they say. But yeah, we do want to foster that now even though they are too young to maybe understand fully comprehend. We know that there will be a day when they do so we want them to know that it will be sooner than later
Andrea Heyman 14:54 , I think especially if they're already participating in their ways. Yeah, I think I remember doing highs and lows. And so we would do this. Well, it would kind of be like highs and lows of the week because we would always have Friday night would be our family dinner. Well, it still is. I shouldn't talk like, that's past tense. That's what we do. Yeah. So we would say, what are the highs and lows of the week? And it was always amazing, because things would come out that I really think I should have been told about, like three days ago when it happened. Like, yeah, I'm shocking. Not that shocking. But like, what, what happened? What happened two days ago? I can't believe that. I can't believe you didn't tell me. Yeah. And so does your husband help with any of the meal prep?he if he has to?
Elyse Rooney 15:48 He will. He does the barbecue. Gotcha. That's the barbecue. And I'm happy to do but he does the cleaning up. So I really
Andrea Heyman 15:56 Oh, I would I would definitely take that.
Elyse Rooney 15:59 Yeah, yeah. And I'm not the cleanest cook. So I do do that. And yeah, he he cleans up but he is very, like, hands on the defense. Like, can you just he just grate the cheese? Oh, can you just cut some veggies with me that he's there. And he's able to help. But it's normally him taking care of the kids. So I can have my 10 minutes of peace in the kitchen cooking, which I kind of prefer?
Andrea Heyman 16:25 It's kind of nice, kind of relaxing, I think,
Elyse Rooney 16:28 yeah, you just take them outside for 10 minutes while I get dinner plate. That's how he's hands on meals that works.
Andrea Heyman 16:35 You guys have figured out your system that works for you. Yeah, everyone, every house is different. That's what I've learned from doing these podcasts is that literally every family has a different system. And all of it is good. Like it all works out.
Elyse Rooney 16:51 Yeah, you just got to do it the way that you and your family need to do it.
Andrea Heyman 16:55 So tell me more about your wholesome mama show and philosophy.
Elyse Rooney 17:01 So I started it as a way aside in the middle of the year. So in the midst of the pandemic, and the craziness of everything, I just felt like there was so many women particularly being stuck at home, that were really overwhelmed just by everything by the stuff in their home. They weren't feeling well physically or emotionally or mentally. And so I felt this tug, I guess I don't know how else to describe it. But I felt this tug to start sharing. So I just started on my Instagram stories, just doing little igtv snippets. And then I was listening to a nother podcast. And the idea of starting a podcast method could be fun. And then I started and it kind of took off. But it's really about helping women but mothers in particular to enjoy their family again, to slow down to not be so caught up in the hustle of I've got to do this, I've got to do that I've got to have the Instagram perfect for his house. And yet not getting caught up in all that but actually just slowing down so they can be present with their family. And through that. It's a lot of mindset things, but also a lot of practical strategies like how to declutter the home. And because that sounds nice, but then when you actually do it, your mind is so much clearer as well. So yeah, that's sort of how it all came apart and what I'm doing now.
Andrea Heyman 18:38 And do you think your new meal planning strategies that you have adopted have started because of the show or kind of evaluating what you have been doing in your life?
Elyse Rooney 18:50 Absolutely. Yeah. I think it's from being more aware of what's going on in me personally, and just being more in tune, I guess, to my emotions, that I have been able to look at it almost objectively and go, why am I getting to dinner? to four o'clock to five o'clock and feeling like this? What is it that yet made me be able to take a step back and become more aware and go, okay, actually, if I strip it all away the root causes that I'm not planning, and this is the effect that it's having on me and my family.
Andrea Heyman 19:26 That's really really insightful. Have you ever had any other aha moments since starting this touch?
Elyse Rooney 19:32 pinpoint one, but but lots? Yes. So another one, I guess would be that, that we all at the end of it, we all feel the same. Like as mothers, we're all just trying our best and that's okay. That you know, you're doing your best in your way. I'm doing my best in my way. And it's not that one is better or wrong or one's right. And it's actually that Yeah, we're all just doing what we can do. And I think this year in particular, that's brought a lot of it to the forefront. And another thing that's really become super apparent to me is the importance of having a slower life. And I think that when we do take time and COVID has kind of made it happen with all the lockdowns with all everything shutting down. With all the staying at home, we realize that home is precious. And so what can I do to make sure that it is a haven for my family? And so it's looking at it more in that way?
Andrea Heyman 20:36 Yeah, I can tell you've really thought about this. That's great. I love it. Yeah. Thank you. Well tell the listeners where they can find you and find your podcast.
Elyse Rooney 20:46 Yes. So my podcast is the house of mama shows. You can find that wherever you listen to podcasts. Or my Instagram is at wholesome mama and then wholesome mama.com mama is meu MMA.
Andrea Heyman 21:00 Of course, for us Americans that would get me clarify that. I'm glad you did. And I really appreciate you coming today.
Elyse Rooney 21:09 Thank you so much for having me. It's been a lovely time sharing with you.
Andrea Heyman 21:14 Didn't she just love Elyse First of all, I love listening to her accent and she could make anything. Sound good. Just listening to her voice and the way she talks. I love her. If you liked this episode, it would mean a lot to me if you took a minute to leave me a review, and share this podcast with another friend, another busy mom that can really be encouraged by what I've got to share here. I would love to connect with you on social media on Instagram. It's adventures and feeding my fam calm. I've also got a really active group of moms and women in my facebook group adventures and feeding my fam. And don't forget those discovery calls are available. If you need additional help with me. I'm always happy to help that is my mission to make things easier and help you feed your fam. Take care