Carbs-Friend or Foe? Tips to Simplify This Complex Issue

Sometimes I wonder how much money I would have if I got a dollar every time someone made a comment about carbs:

            Limiting them

            Cutting them out

            Trying not to eat them

Goodness gracious, this macronutrient is so vilified.  Today let’s clear up some of the confusion and wade through this complex topic

-Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy. In their absence, your body will use protein and fat for energy.

-Healthy sources of carbohydrates, such as higher fiber starchy foods, vegetables, fruit and legumes, are also an important source of nutrients, such as calcium, iron and B vitamins.

-When we reduce carbohydrate intake, we often Replace carbohydrates with fats and higher fat sources of protein which could increase your intake of saturated fat, and can raise the amount of cholesterol in your blood – a risk factor for heart disease.

-So you definitely want to include carbohydrates in a healthy diet, but certainly limiting those that contain added sugar and instead focus on complex carbohydrates such as wholegrains, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, and legumes.


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